
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Pub Day and Wisdom Teeth

Pub Day and Wisdom Teeth


HAPPY PUB DAY! Thank you tagged publishers for gifted copies.

Good morning everyone! This morning I’m up early and taking my son to get his wisdom teeth removed. The lucky kid gets to have all four cut out of his head. Talk about a fun day for him.

Check back this afternoon at 3pm CT for a pub day giveaway! I’ll have a two winner giveaway for one of the books pictured.

💬See any books here that you want to read? What would you pig out on if you were about to get your wisdom teeth removed and couldn’t eat solids for a few days?

While Paris Slept

While Paris Slept

The Memory Collectors

The Memory Collectors