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A Tip for the Hangman

A Tip for the Hangman


A Tip for the Hangman by Allison Epstein is a wonderful and impressive debut! I’m a lover of historical fiction and Epstein hit everything that I love for in this genre: mystery, suspense, rich details, fascinating and developed characters, and a plot that kept me turning the pages.

England, 1585. In Kit Marlowe's last year at Cambridge, he receives an unexpected visitor: Queen Elizabeth's spymaster, who has come with an unorthodox career opportunity. Her Majesty's spies are in need of new recruits, and Kit's flexible moral compass has drawn their attention. Kit, a scholarship student without money or prospects, accepts the offer, and after his training the game is on. Kit is dispatched to the chilly manor where Mary, Queen of Scots is under house arrest, to act as a servant in her household and keep his ear to the ground for a Catholic plot to put Mary on the throne.

While observing Mary, Kit learns more than he bargained for. The ripple effects of his service to the Crown are far-reaching and leave Kit a changed man. But there are benefits as well. The salary he earns through his spywork allows him to mount his first play, and over the following years, he becomes the toast of London's raucous theatre scene. But when Kit finds himself reluctantly drawn back into the uncertain world of espionage, conspiracy, and high treason, he realizes everything he's worked so hard to attain--including the trust of the man he loves--could vanish before his very eyes.

Epstein has done a fabulous job creating a real and unforgettable character in Kit (Christopher) Marlowe. His whit and lively character exploded on the page along with the melancholy, flaws and unsavory parts of his past. How Epstein brought such a complex character to life with each stroke of the pen is pure genius. I found myself continuously rooting for the tragic character of Kit Marlow and his humorous and at times foul mouth!

The story further came to life through the smells, sights, and sounds as I followed Kit through the city. If really felt as though I was right their with him dealing with the stench as I heard the bells tole in the background. My emotions also came to life as I read about the scandals and religious turmoil caused by a king who wanted to divorce his wife. From there the mystery, suspense and intrigue had me fully hooked and my interests peaked as I fell into the easy flowing plot.

Overall, Epstein wrote an excellent story that will keep those who love literature and historical fiction glued to the pages. I cannot wait to read her future publications.

Pub Day!

Pub Day!