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Carrie Soto is Back

Carrie Soto is Back


Right NOW! Go! Run!!

TJR has seriously outdone herself with Carrie Soto is Back! As soon as I turned the last page, I just wanted to pick the book back up and read it again, just so I could experience the emotions all over again. The depth and emotion that went with not only Carrie’s character are just beyond words. Jenkins Reid is truly a master when it comes to developing complex characters that are real, flawed, and will still tug on your heartstring’s even during their unlikeable moments.

I was so fortunate to have also read this with Kaley. We had so much to discuss about the characters, what we thought would happen, and all those moments we were tearing up and grabbing a box of Kleenex.

This is a story that will stay with you for life, and I cannot recommend it enough. Just an absolutely stunning and moving story. ALL THE STARS!

Thank you, Ballantine Books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Pub Day

Pub Day

Skye Falling

Skye Falling