
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Coffee Book Series

Coffee Book Series

Where are my romance and romcom lovers at!?! Or anyone who loves a fast paced story that combines humor, strong women, and a whole lotta steam!

First, I have to thank Kaley for gifting me Coffee Girl, The Makeup Artist, and getting me completely hooked on this series and falling in love with all the characters. I seriously owe you!

Y’all, I’m not exaggerating when I say that you have got to read this series! I really don’t think any review I write for these first two books in the series can do them justice. Sinclair creates a fabulous world with real characters that take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions that make your heart melt, has you getting good and angry, crying, and almost peeing your pants laughing - Oh the humor in these stories is just the best! And, I just loved the way I was able to relate and connect with each character.

Trust me when I say that you need this series in your life, so GO grab these books pronto!

Now, I’m off to grab and binge (read both books in one sitting each) the third book in this series, and I cannot wait to see what Sinclair has in store for me next!

P.S. I must apologize for all the exclamation marks in this post. I just really love these books.

The Weight of Air

The Weight of Air

Book Mail

Book Mail