
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Last, Current, Next

Last, Current, Next


Thank you tagged publishers for the gifted books!๐Ÿ’•

I just realized itโ€™s been a couple months since Iโ€™ve done a round of last, current, next, so here we go!

๐ŸŒธLAST - Her Three Lives was a binge worthy domestic thriller that kept me turning the pages. See yesterdayโ€™s post for my review!


We Begin At The End - Iโ€™m reading this book for my #SpontaneousGroupRead and man is it living up to the hype! Iโ€™m really eager for our halfway discussion today, and then Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll be up late tonight finishing it!

That Summer - Well, I started this book and was over halfway through before I realized it. This book is proving to be far more than just a โ€œbeach read.โ€ Weiner has taken on some heavy topics, and the plot and mystery have been quite a surprise. I already canโ€™t recommend this book enough! (Pub: 5/11)

NEXT - The Last Green Valley - Iโ€™m a huge WWII historical fiction fan and loved Sullivanโ€™s previous publication, so I canโ€™t wait to dive into his latest book! (Pub 5/4)

In late March 1944, as Stalinโ€™s forces push into Ukraine, young Emil and Adeline Martel must make a terrible decision: Do they wait for the Soviet bearโ€™s intrusion and risk being sent to Siberia? Or do they reluctantly follow the wolvesโ€”murderous Nazi officers who have pledged to protect โ€œpure-bloodโ€ Germans?

The Martels are one of many families of German heritage whose ancestors have farmed in Ukraine for more than a century. But after already living under Stalinโ€™s horrifying regime, Emil and Adeline decide they must run in retreat from their land with the wolves they despise to escape the Soviets and go in search of freedom.

Caught between two warring forces and overcoming horrific trials to pursue their hope of immigrating to the West, the Martelsโ€™ story is a brutal, complex, and ultimately triumphant tale that illuminates the extraordinary power of love, faith, and one familyโ€™s incredible will to survive and see their dreams realized.

๐Ÿ’ฌWhatโ€™s your Last, Current, Next??

A Hundred Suns

A Hundred Suns

Her Three Lives

Her Three Lives