
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

January 5 Star Predictions

January 5 Star Predictions


Happy Wednesday y’all!

I’m here with my next round of five-star-predictions for my upcoming reads this month (okay...one I already finished, but I planned on posting this earlier).

Based on the buzz and reviews for these beauties, I have a strong feeling I will agree.

Let me know what your 5 ⭐️ predictions are, and if you’ve read some really great reads that I need to know about.

  • At the Edge of Height

  • The One The Divines

  • The Art of Falling

  • The Historians

  • From Blood and Ash

  • The Simple Wild

  • The Fortunate Ones

In Sight of the Mountain

In Sight of the Mountain

Happy Pub Day

Happy Pub Day