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Her Last Affair

Her Last Affair

Her Last Affair is an absolutely clever and twisted tale. It's definitely not a straightforward psychological suspense and it kept me guessing from the beginning.

Searles did a brilliant job connecting all three POV in this story while building suspense. The characters were quirky and the way their stories built upon each other’s was masterful. There were several surprises, and they were definitely not something I saw coming, and I love it when an author keeps me on my toes like this! This of course led to an ending I…Well, I’m not gonna tell ya, so you are just going to have to read this one yourself.

My only issue was that at times the story did jump around and get a bit confusing with the characters and timeline. However, by the end this did work out and I believe Searles wrote it this way with purpose.

Overall, if you're looking for a unique character-driven suspense story, this would be one to grab.

Thank you Mariner books for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Pub Day

Pub Day

Under the Golden Sun