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Once Upon a Wardrobe

Once Upon a Wardrobe

“Once upon a wardrobe, not very long ago and not very far away. . .”

Once Upon a Wardrobe is an absolute must read. This is a story that will fill you with all the beauties and wonders of life - grief, hope, transformation, love and so much more. By the end you will find yourself shedding tears for all you read and all that can be found in life.

“Reason is how we get to the truth, but imagination is how we find meaning.”

Megs and George are given a gift, where a world of make believe, fairy tales, books and drawing, brings hope to a young boy, whose only months away from death, and peace to his sister who doesn’t know how she can go on without him. This book is not just about Megs and her brother George. Nor is it primarily about C.S. Lewis and his formative years. This book is about all of us and everything that makes us who we are.

“Where did Narnia come from?”

The answer will change everything.

Synopsis: Megs Devonshire is brilliant with numbers and equations, on a scholarship at Oxford, and dreams of solving the greatest mysteries of physics.

She prefers the dependability of facts—except for one: the younger brother she loves with all her heart doesn’t have long to live. When George becomes captivated by a copy of a brand-new book called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and begs her to find out where Narnia came from, there’s no way she can refuse.

Despite her timidity about approaching the famous author, Megs soon finds herself taking tea with the Oxford don and his own brother, imploring them for answers. What she receives instead are more stories . . . stories of Jack Lewis’s life, which she takes home to George.

Why won’t Mr. Lewis just tell her plainly what George wants to know? The answer will reveal to Meg many truths that science and math cannot, and the gift she thought she was giving to her brother—the story behind Narnia—turns out to be his gift to her, instead: hope.

“The fantastic and the imaginative aren’t escapism…It takes us out of ourselves and lets us view reality from new angles. It expands our awareness of the world.”

This is a book that will remind you of things you held dear in childhood and maybe something forgotten in adulthood: Imagination. And yours will come alive in this evocative story.

“The way stories change us can't be explained,' Padraig says. 'It can only be felt. Like love.”

Thank you so much Patty Callahan for this enchanting novel. For taking me back to Narnia, through Lewis’s life, and the wonder and awe of little George’s views on the magic to be found in life and literature, and Meg’s introduction to the wonderful world of imagination. It was a beautiful and magical story that reminded me of the wonder of childhood and then making it magical all over again.

Thank you so much Harper Muse for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.



The People We Keep

The People We Keep