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Sisters of War

Sisters of War


I love reading historical fiction set during WWII (I’m guessing at this point y’all know its my favorite). I mainly read books set in Europe during this time, so Sisters of War was a fun departure into a new setting. This time, the story is set in Kiev, Ukraine around three months after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, September 1941. The occupation that lasted a little over two years caused Kievans nightmarish terror, trauma, starvation, prosecution and death. I was completely captivated right from the first page with the rich and detailed descriptions of the daily lives of the people in Kiev as they live in fear, full of anxiety and unease.

Watching the Red Army withdraw from Ukraine in the face of Hitler’s relentless advance, sisters Natasha and Lisa Smirnova realise their lives are about to change forever.
As the German army occupies their beloved city, the sisters are tested in ways they never thought possible. Lisa’s fiancé Alexei is taken by the invading army, whilst Natasha falls in love with Mark – a Hungarian soldier, enlisted against all his principles on the side of the Nazis.

But as Natasha and Lisa fight to protect the friends and family they hold dear, they must face up to the dark horrors of war and the pain of betrayal. Will they be strong enough to overcome the forces which threaten to tear their family apart?  

Kortchik's writing was immersive, powerful touching and truly heartfelt. I was drawn into the story, felt and was moved by the pain both sisters and their family dealt with. What people of Ukraine went through is beyond words. This story shines a light on the harrowing lives of Ukrainians as they suffer through Hitler's brutal assault. Though difficult, I found the story hopeful as well, and I really enjoyed this captivating read.

I highly recommend this book for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Nightingale and The Lost Girls of Paris. Overall, a powerful and touching story.



Eli’s Promise

Eli’s Promise