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The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley

The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley

What an absolute joy to read! The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley was full of laughter, fun, deeper moments and just everything you want in a feel-good story. This book was basically one big hug for the soul!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I just adored everything about the story! It was full of fun and quirky characters who befriended Isadora as she worked through her list of 31 Ways to Be Happy. They brought even more life and humor to the story, and I could not get enough of them!

But, my favorite was Isadora’s character and the way she was able to open herself up to the world and people around her. Her character was so relatable since we all have those geeky and socially awkward moments as we go about our everyday lives and when venturing beyond our comfort zone to try new things.

Steam level: Clean

How was the narration?

Jorjeana Marie absolutely blew it out of the park with her narration! My favorite was how she narrated Isadora’s two different inner monologues. One was her regular “everyday” and the other was as Sir David Attenborough, and Marie nailed it! I was laughing every time his monologues popped up, since I do the same thing in my head when trying something new or when I know I’m having one of my nerdy moments in public.

How was the pace?

This was such a fast-paced story! I flew through the audio during my commute and then tacked on some extra miles during my walk, just so I could finish listening to it.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes! This story is about finding happiness, not giving up, and living life to the fullest. It is just a book full of sunshine and one that will have you smiling from beginning to end!

Thank you Thomas Nelson and Libro.fm, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Ciao for Now

Ciao for Now

