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The Night Travelers

The Night Travelers

The Night Travelers is a deeply engrossing and emotional story that will fully transport you into the lives and times of four generations of amazing women who lived through some of the most tragic periods in our modern history.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I loved how Correa transported me not only through time and to different countries with his detailed and atmospheric writing, but also drew my emotions into the story and lives of the characters from the very beginning. I could feel and emphasize with how the bonds between a mother and her child were presented in the story and the lengths any mother would go to in order to protect her child.

Did the author do their research?

I learned so much more about the eugenics program the Nazi’s developed before and during the war along with learning so much more about the Cuban Revolution. Correa really did his homework and even included a bibliography for those who may want to learn more after reading this book.

How was the pace?

This story held a steady pace and kept me turning the pages.

Do you recommend this book?

Talk about an intriguing story that will really touch your heart while taking you on an unimaginable journey. This is definitely one to pick up if you love historical fiction, and its a perfect book for discussion.

Thank you, Atria and NetGalley, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

By a Thread

By a Thread

