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The Paris Agent

The Paris Agent

The Paris Agent is a moving, poignant, thought provoking, at times suspenseful, and often heart-wrenching historical fiction novel.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

When historical fiction is done right, you should feel like you are transported back to that era - and I did. I truly felt like I was on a journey with these characters, a marker of excellent historical fiction. But what really made this book one I will never forget was the emotional connection I felt with the characters and story itself. Kelly Rimmer really is a master, and she held my emotions in the palm of her hand right up till the very last page…And yes, tears were shed.

How was the research?

Rimmer is a phenomenal author who meticulously researches her books, and it is evident on every page of this emotional and complex story. So many historical facts were woven into this story. I read about the lead up to WWII, PTSD, secret operations, and so much more. Facts combined with complex characters and a part of history we cannot forget are brought together brilliantly and will leave you questioning what you would do during this time period.

How was the pace?

Fast! I flew through the pages!

Do you recommend this book?

I cannot recommend this book enough! This truly is an exquisite story with complex characters and a lot of emotion. It is filled to the brim with everything from the brutality of war to friendships, to tragedy, to heartbreak and finally hope - this is such a compelling read that it will stay with you long after you have turned the final page.

Thank you, Gallery, and HTP Books for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

June Wrap Up

June Wrap Up

Pub Day

Pub Day