
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



I did it! I jumped on the Blake Crouch bandwagon, picked up his lates book, Upgrade, and LOVED IT! Truly and mind-bending non-stop thrill ride.

It’s no secret that I tend to avoid all books in the science fiction genre, but after reading all the rave reviews for his last two books I knew I had to give his latest a try and I’m so glad I did. Upgrade had Kaley and I racing through the pages and loving all the action. It was like Jason Bourne meets Dan Brown meets Mission Impossible, and I couldn’t get enough of Crouch’s brilliant writing!

If you’re like me and find yourself hesitating to pick up this book because it falls in the science fiction category, DON’T. You have to grab a copy of this book and get caught up in all the suspense in this blockbuster thriller.

Now I’m off to read his previous book, Dark Matter, with Kaley and Tonya!

Thank you, Random House/Ballantine Books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Sunday Night Movie Night

We hit up Netflix for our latest pick. Excursion was definitely a fast-paced action story. We all got a bit bored with it just because it really didn’t have any dialogue. It was just Chris Helmsworth running around, fighting bad guys, while trying to escape the city with a kid he was rescuing. It was literally all that on repeat.

Now dessert is always a winner! I made Buster Bars, since we are in the middle of a heat wave.

These ice cream bars are super easy and always a hit, so give them a go!

Pub Day

Pub Day

July Wrap Up

July Wrap Up