
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Pub Day

Pub Day

HAPPY PUB DAY! Thank you publishers for gifted copies.

Good morning everyone, and happy Tuesday!! Today is an exciting day here at the Lowry house! After over a month our dinning room table will finally arrive! We’ve been eating off a folding table, and our dining room table is where our “stuff” and all things homework and work related seem to accumulate, so it’s been a bit cramped and messy lately. Anyone else seem to notice how stuff just stacks up on your dining room table?

On to the books!!

Several excellent books come out today! I’ve already dove into a few of them and have reviews coming shortly or already posted.

The Last Green Valley

The Last Green Valley

When We Were Young

When We Were Young