
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Valentine’s Love

Valentine’s Love


❤️Happy Valentine’s Day!!❤️

Book mail is just the best, and I cannot thank all the publishers enough for these gifted books.💕 I’m a complete geek, so every time I receive a book it makes my day.

Which book in this stack interests you the most?

💬What does LOVE mean to you?

Love ❤️

Sometimes it feels so complicated. We feel we have to do more, be more, try harder, be different, learn how to do it properly, in order to receive love and to be lovable.

But love is our natural state. We don’t need to be anyone other than who we are at our core. We are born to love unconditionally. And at the first feelings of being unsafe, rejection and heartbreak we begin to add layers of protection. And we begin to lose love for ourselves because we are mirrors of each other.

But if we are mirrors we must be the ones who reflect love outward. As the saying goes, be the love we wish to see in the world. For each one of us who remembers how it is to love ourselves we remind everyone else that they are lovable the way they are as well.

Do No Harm

Do No Harm

The Downstairs Neighbor

The Downstairs Neighbor