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Blind Spots

Blind Spots

Imagine a new epidemic hit the earth and this one causes the individual to go completely blind. Starvation, crimes, and so much more ravage the earth, but then technology prevails and offers a way for individuals to regain their sight. This is where Thomas Mullen’s latest dystopian story, Blind Spots, picks up and then takes off.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

Y’all know I tend to avoid dystopian stories, but this one really worked for me. The story itself was more of a police procedural and mystery that kept me thoroughly engaged, while the dystopian part actually seemed really plausible given the situation. It revolved around the idea of a further imbalanced economy where the rich are even richer and the poor are beyond poor, the government is completely in control, and those who choose to accept their blindness are shunned and risk their lives in doing so. This was such an original and intriguing idea for a book and I enjoyed it!

How was the audio narration?

I loved listening to this on audio! Gary Tiedemann helped amp up the action scenes and bring more life to the interactions between the characters with his narration.

Listening speed: 1.5

How was the world building?

A lot of information is given all at once in the beginning, so make sure you are focused. I can see where it could be a lot with a fast world build right in the beginning. However, after those first few chapters things slowed down and began to flow.

How was the pace?

The story holds a steady pace with it picking up even more towards the end.

Do you recommend this book?

Overall, this was an intriguing book that had a unique and cautionary tale to tell.

Thank you, MacMillan audio and Minotaur Books, for my gifted copies in exchange for my honest review.

Serendipity by the Sea

Serendipity by the Sea

Lone Women

Lone Women