
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Tuesday Pub Day!

Tuesday Pub Day!


HAPPY PUB DAY! Thank you tagged publishers for gifted copies.

Good morning everyone! This morning I’m up early with the crew (our four dogs) after finally getting to sleep through the night for the first time in ages. I’m ready to tackle the day, teach spin and maybe fold some laundry.

Here are some mini synopses for today’s publications:

Lanas War : A riveting and heartfelt story of a young woman recruited to be a spy for the resistance on the French Riviera during World War II.

Minus Me : A poignant and hilarious novel about the bonds of marriage, the burdens of maternal love, and the courage to face mortality.

What Could Be Saved : An enthralling, redemptive novel set in Bangkok in 1972 and Washington, DC, in 2019 about an expatriate child who goes missing, whose family is contacted decades later by a man claiming to be the vanished boy.

What’s on your agenda today? Anything that makes you smile?

Currently Reading

Currently Reading

The Yellow Wife

The Yellow Wife