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Don't Forget to Write

Don't Forget to Write

What a beautiful story full of character growth, heart, and love. Don’t Forget to Write will grab you and pull you into the 50s at the shore in Avalon and a world of dynamic female characters who go against the norms of a controlling society and gave me Marvelous Mrs. Maisel vibes.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

This book absolutely had all the emotions. I was laughing, scolding characters, cheering, wanting to strangle characters, crying, and I could not get enough…Especially when it came to Aunt Ada’s character. She was the life blood of the story, and this quote truly sums her up: "She wasn’t warm and she suffered no fools. But no one had a better heart than this indomitable battle-ax before me."

I really appreciated how this book addressed the prejudices and controlling mindset of a very male dominated world during the 50s and yet there was a new generation of women standing up and pushing back so they could be their own independent person.

How was the pace?

I absolutely flew through this fast paced story. The fun banter also had me fully engaged and giggling during every chapter.

Do you recommend this book?

This was a wonderful and rich story full of heart and life lessons, and a story I recommend!

Thank you, GetRed and Amazon Publishing, for this gifted copy.

September “Maybe”

September “Maybe”

August Wrap Up

August Wrap Up