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Only the Beautiful

Only the Beautiful

There is just no way I can write a review that will convey the depth and emotion in this story, and I’m completely blown away. Honesty, I can’t even fully put into words the beauty, the heartache, the hope, the tragedy, and the history in this poignant story. I also don’t want to write too much, because I want you to go into this story with your heart and emotions wide open without any possible hints from me as to what you should expect. But, what I will tell you is that this story captures your emotions from the very first chapter and completely takes off with them. There is no gradual build up. Meissner dives right in and ropes your heart as she masterfully weaves together the worlds of two fascinating women during a fraught time in history.

Only the Beautiful is a book I will never forget and always recommend. There is no doubt in my mind that this will forever be a lifetime favorite book, and I’m sure others who have read it agree wholeheartedly.

I read this as a buddy read with Amy and Shannon, and we flew through this story. As it came to an end, we were not ready to leave these amazing women behind, because each one had impacted us so greatly and held our hearts in their hands.

Please pick up this stunning book and read it as soon as you can. Not only is it a moving story, but it is still a relevant story to our current times.

The Plus One

The Plus One

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