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Goodnight Beautiful

Goodnight Beautiful


I don’t even know where to begin with my review for Goodnight Beautiful. Simply stated, I cannot write a normal review for fear of incorporating spoilers. Therefore, you are getting just my reactions to the absolutely wild ride I went on while reading this jaw-dropping story.

Newlyweds Sam Statler and Annie Potter are head over heels, and excited to say good-bye to New York and start a life together in Sam's sleepy hometown in upstate New York. Or, it turns out, a life where Annie spends most of her time alone while Sam, her therapist husband, works long hours in his downstairs office, tending to the egos of his (mostly female) clientele.

Little does Sam know that through a vent in his ceiling, every word of his sessions can be heard from the room upstairs. The pharmacist's wife, contemplating a divorce. The well-known painter whose boyfriend doesn’t satisfy her in bed. Who could resist listening? Everything is fine until the French girl in the green mini Cooper shows up, and Sam decides to go to work and not come home, throwing a wrench into Sam and Annie's happily ever after.

First, I am so grateful to have read this with Kaley as a buddy read. There were several times we were both messaging each other asking, “What the hades just happened”, or “What the heck did I miss?” I even wrote her stating that I swear I’m a smart person and can read a book, but I’m totally confused.

Aimee Molloy is the master of creating a story full of layers upon layers. Goodnight Beautiful was truly an amazing story full of twists and turns that really were of my own creation. Basically, I was a pawn in the hands of a genius author. All through the first half of the book I was mining it for clues, trying to make sense of something so innately senseless (but sadly so obvious). Everything I’d read up to a certain point felt like a false memory, and I was left shaking my fist at the book for leaving me to...well...I’ll let you read it to figure out what I mean.

Finally, there came a point where my eyes were opened, and I realized that nothing was what I assumed (assume being the key word). Sadly it had taken me awhile to realize Molloy had me just where she wanted me in the grip of her storyline, as I had continued to make my subconscious assumptions and dig my own hole. Therefore, I take pride in the fact that I had gotten two foreshadowing clues correct.

If you’re a fan of psychological thrillers and don’t mind a book that’s disturbing and thrilling because it’s also brilliant, check out Goodnight Beautiful. I’m glad Kaley picked this for our read!!

P.S. For those who have read this book, did you laugh at the first chapter in part three where the author basically mocked us readers and our assumptions? I laughed my butt off!

And Then She Vanished

And Then She Vanished

Could Book Mail Get More Exciting!

Could Book Mail Get More Exciting!