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Never Coming Home

Never Coming Home

Never Coming Home is a unique and unsettling story that will keep you guessing right up to the end!

Synopsis: Lucas Forester didn't hate his wife. Michelle was brilliant, sophisticated and beautiful. Sure, she had extravagant spending habits and that petty attitude, a total disregard for anyone below her status. But she also had a lot to offer. Most notably, wealth that only the one percent could comprehend.

For years, Lucas had been honing a flawless plan to inherit Michelle’s fortune. Unfortunately, it involved taking a hit out on her.

Every track was covered, no trace left behind, and now Lucas plays the grieving husband so well he deserves an award. But when a shocking photo and cryptic note show up on his doorstep, Lucas goes from hunter to prey.

Someone is onto him. And they’re closing in.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

Hannah McKinnon’s genius appealed to me the most. Seriously, this story is pure genius! From the very beginning we are thrown into the action and trying to piece together everything that has already happened from the point of view of the bad guy, Lucas. Now here is where the pure genius part comes in…As I read McKinnon was able to write his character in a way that had me root for him a bit when I really shouldn’t have been. Not only was I questioning him and everyone else in the story, but I was also questioning myself and why I was starting to hope that Lucas gets away with his absolutely horrible deeds. Maybe it’s because he rescued a dog or because he tells us about his reasoning behind everything he does.

How was the pace?

Fast! Kaley and I read this one together and we could not believe how fast we were flying through the story. We did make a few correct predictions, but there were also some twists we didn’t see coming.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes!! I highly recommend you grab a copy now! This is a clever and highly addictive story that will keep you turning the pages as fast as you can. Now to go and read all McKinnon’s previous publications!

Thank you HTP and Mira for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Sparks Like Stars

Sparks Like Stars

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