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Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger

Calling all Katherine Center fans! Hello Stranger, is a feel-good yet emotional romance.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

What I really enjoyed in this story was how Center made the story more serious and emotional than her others. When I first read that this book dealt with prosopagnosia (face blindness) I groaned, because this seems to be a popular plot point for the past two years. However, the way that Center uses it in the story brought depth and meaning to Sadie’s character and strugles as she worked to create a meaningful future for herself.

What didn’t work for you?

As with any of Center’s books, you go into them knowing they are going to have that cheesy factor along with implausibility. For me, Hello Stranger was just waaaaay too over the top in every way possible. Sadie really annoyed the living bejesus out me with her absolute stubborn insistence to not accept help from anyone or explain that she was dealing with prosopagnosia (face blindness). I felt like that was very immature and her growth comes waaaaay to late in the story, but good for her that it does occur. As for Parker’s character and Sadie’s father and step-mother…I’m not even going to go there. I also saw the twist coming from a mile away, but I will admit that it was enjoyable when it hit.

How was the pace?

This was a fast paced story.

Do you recommend this book?

This isn’t my favorite from Center as it was over the top for me and I’m used to Center’s books being just fun, predictable and cheesy, but it was still too much. However, I know that her die-hard fans will enjoy this one.

Thank you, St. Martin’s Press, for this gifted copy.

July “Maybe”

July “Maybe”

The Beach at Summerly

The Beach at Summerly