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Long Shot

Long Shot

I have to start with the advisory that you read the trigger warnings before picking up this book.

All I can say is just wow! I did not expect such an emotional and raw story when I picked Long Shot.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I honestly don’t know how write a review that fully expounds upon the way Ryan was able to write real life in such a way that you were experiencing it along with the characters. This lead to a full range of emotions as she tore at my heartstrings, had me cringing in fear and hoping for so much as I read. There were even times I had to set the book down because it was so heavy. However, I think the topics addressed with domestic abuse, and the way she navigates through the trauma and complexities in this story is important while also still creates a beautiful story.

I have to just go on a bit more about Iris’s character. I was attached to her from the beginning, and felt that she just deserved the world. Reading through her abuse was so hard because I could actually feel her pain, both emotional and physical, coming through the pages. It has been quite a while since I have felt so much empathy and compassion for a character. Her bravery goes beyond words.

How was the pace?

This fast-paced story grips you like none other.

Do you recommend this book?

This is a book I know will stay with me for a very long time and I cannot wait to pick up the rest of this series.

The Royal Windsor Secret

The Royal Windsor Secret

Pub Day

Pub Day