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Never Forget You

Never Forget You

Wow! Talk about an emotional story that I didn’t see coming at all. Never Forget You is a mystery and contemporary romance story that tells the story of a women with amnesia, Lili, while going back and forth between the present and the past.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I loved how real and emotional this story was. I felt for Lili’s character from the beginning and just wanted her to figure out who she was and what traumatic event brought on her amnesia. The whole time she was just so brave, and this is why I just felt so emotionally connected to her as I read. I know you are thinking…romance…amnesia…How can this be emotional and not cheesy? Trust me when I say that this is not your typical amnesia story at all. Everything felt so authentic and serious but still with a heartwarming touch.

How did you handle the dual timeline?

I loved how well the timelines seamlessly flowed together and added an extra note of suspense to the story. It is hard to talk more about the two timelines without creating a spoiler, but it’s one of those storylines where you know what is about to happen but there is just nothing you can do to stop it.

How was the pace?

This book held a steady and at times fast pace.

Do you recommend this book?

Overall, this is a story about hope and second chances that I really cannot recommend enough.

P.S. You may want to read author’s content warning at the beginning since this is quite the emotional story that takes on heavy issues.

Thank you, HQ Books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.



Book Mail

Book Mail