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Make a Wish

Make a Wish

I have loved the Spark sisters in the Spark House series, and Peyton’s story was just as sweet and charming as her sister’s in Make a Wish.

What appealed to you in this story?

I absolutely love a single parent romance! Gavin was just the sweetest swoon worthy dad who is not afraid of playing dress up and breaking out the glitter, and I loved how we got to see him grow as a parent and an individual through his relationship with Harley. Harley played a wonderful role as a friend and was always there to help with Peyton in a positive way. And, of course, Harley was just such an adorable little girl who brought so much light and levity into the story.

How was the romance?

This is a slow burn romance that takes time to develop and blossom as Harley and Gavin find themselves with a second chance at romance. I loved how Hunting wove several serious themes into the romance itself and brought a more serious side to the story and realness to the budding romance along with some fun witty banter.

Steam level: Build up and then fade to black.

Can this book be read as a standalone?

Yes! This story can easily be read as a standalone. There is enough background given in the story itself so you won’t feel lost.

How was the pace?

This story held a steady pace.

Do you recommend this book?

If you are looking for a book that leaves a smile on your face, then this is it!!

Thank you, St. Martin’s Press, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Wade in the Water

Wade in the Water

Book Mail

Book Mail