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Meet Me in the Margins

Meet Me in the Margins

Meet Me in the Margins is a delightful and witty romance that was the perfect lighthearted escape!

Synopsis: Savannah Cade is a low-level editor at Pennington Publishing, a prestigious publisher producing only the highest of highbrow titles. And while editing the latest edition of The Anthology of Medieval Didactic Poetry may be her day job, she has two secrets she’s hiding.

One: She’s writing a romance novel.

Two: She’s discovered the Book Nook—a secret room in the publishing house where she finds inspiration for her “lowbrow” hobby.

After leaving her manuscript behind one afternoon, she returns to the nook only to discover someone has written notes in the margins. Savannah’s first response to the criticism is defensive, but events transpire that force her to admit that she needs the help of this shadowy editor after all. As the notes take a turn for the romantic, and as Savannah’s madcap life gets more complicated than ever, she uses the process of elimination to identify her mysterious editor—only to discover that what she truly wants and what she should want just might not be the same.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

Everything, everything, EVERYTHING!! I loved the characters, the plot, the building romance, the humor, just everything!! And it gets even better - This book is set in the publishing world! Need I say more!?! It’s a book about books, and…crud! I can’t tell you or it will be a spoiler!

Wait! There were also so many laugh out loud moments, and I really want to share them with you, but boy would that be a huge spoiler.

Were the characters believable?

Oh yes! They were diverse, fun and quirky, and I wanted to jump into the story and hang out or argue with them. Seriously, this is a cast of characters that will find their way into your heart quickly.

How was the romance?

I loved this pen pal troupe (if it’s not already a troupe it is now). It gave the You’ve Got Mail style romcom vibes with the tension and endearing moments. I loved following their building romance through the margins of Savannah’s romcom manuscript and found myself rooting for them to find each other from the very first chapter.

Steam Level - Clean romance

How was the pace?

This was a fast-paced story that had me flying through the pages and finishing it in less than a day!

Do you recommend this book?

You bet I do!! I’m sure you could tell by my obnoxious use of exclamation marks at this point. If you are looking for a fun story to lose yourself in, that is full of lively characters, and humor, then I hope you pick this book up to read soon. Now…I’m off to read more of Ferguson’s books! (I had to use one more exclamation mark for posterity)

One Night on the Island

One Night on the Island

Pub Day

Pub Day