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Mustique Island

Mustique Island

I know it’s not Throwback Thursday, but I really wanted to include a mini throwback of one of my favorite historical fiction books of all time along with my review of Mustique Island, since McCoy is an author, I truly love.

The Baker's Daughter is one of those books that sticks with you for years and most likely life. It is one of my lifetime favorite historical fiction books, and I cannot recommend it enough. Set during WWII, it is a compelling story full of human spirit, courage, and love, while telling a story about strong women who have to make impossible choices during tragic times. I wish I could put into better words how deeply this book spoke to me and captured my heart.

Set in the late 1970s on a lush and exclusive island, Mustique Island is a story about finding a home and a place to belong. It is also a story about mother-daughter relationships, love, loss, and courage. This is a slow burn character driven story seen through three points of view: the mother, Willy May and her two daughters, Hilly and Joanne. Each of these women were strong willed and quite determined as they looked to create a place for themselves in the world. I found myself drawn into their stories as they each look to create a new beginning for themselves. McCoy’s heart yet again came through as she wrote this enchanting story.

Thank you William Morrow Books, for this gifted copy.

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Pub Day

Pub Day