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Second Chance on Cypress Lane

Second Chance on Cypress Lane


Who doesn’t love a romance set in a small southern town!?! Personally, they are right up my alley since I’m currently stuck living in North Dakota where it is all kinds of cold! Therefore, I loved packing my bags and venturing into Reese Ryan’s first book in the Holly Grove Island series set in the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a mini-vacation. I found myself getting nice and cozy as I got to know all the quirky characters.

When a romance gone wrong lands reporter Dakota Jones in the pages of the tabloids, her rising star crashes and burns. Instead of getting the weekend anchor job she'd been promised, she's promptly shown the door. Which leaves her one option: return home to lick her wounds, eat lemon meringue pie, and plot her comeback while actively avoiding the man who once broke her heart.

Dexter Roberts made a huge mistake when he walked away from Dakota, and he's regretted it ever since. So when Dakota returns to Holly Grove Island to regroup and decide what's next, Dex can't pass up the opportunity to win back the love of his life. Now he just needs to convince Dakota to give him a second chance.

This was not a cheesy romance where the main character seems to make all the wrong and ill informed decisions possible before making the right one (sorry…can you tell I had a bad streak with romance books lately?). Instead, Dakota is focused on family, friends and her employment. She is not letting her life revolve around some man, so the romance doesn’t pick up until about the last quarter of the book.

Dexter was a very likeable character, and discovering how he broke up with Dakota helped bring more risk and emotion to the story. He was beyond sweet as he worked to help Dakota create a better life for herself. It was also wonderful to read from Dexter’s point of view as the plot progressed, and it brought more depth to the story.

As for romance, the chemistry between Dakota and Dexter jumps right off the page. Things get steamy and that is all I’m sharing, so read the book to discover those steamy details!

Overall, if you are looking for a story full of romance, family, friends, a small town vibes, and will take you on a roller coaster ride full of emotions, then this book is for you!

This is a story I read in one sitting, and I was sad to leave the Island and venture back into the real world. Can book two of Holly Grove Island get here soon, please!?!

Thank you Forever Publications for my gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

Pub Day That’s Up My Alley

Pub Day That’s Up My Alley

November Wrap-Up

November Wrap-Up