
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

10 in My TBR

10 in My TBR


Well, it’s quite the week of new beginnings for us. Our son started his sophomore year in high school, and we got two new puppies, Riggs and Kate. For the next month or so I have a feeling that I’m not going to sleep or get much done. Thank goodness I have a cabinet stocked with coffee!

I was recently tagged by the wonderful @ravenscroft_books to participate in the #tenonmytbr book list. I had fun diving into all my tbrs and tried to post a variety of genres. I’ve tagged a few people to play along, but please play along and post yours even if you weren’t tagged. I love seeing everyone’s tbr posts!

What is your next read from your tbr pile?

August Wrap-Up

August Wrap-Up

The Lost Jewels

The Lost Jewels