
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

August Wrap-Up

August Wrap-Up


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I swear I was just posting for Julyโ€™s wrap-up! Where did the time go!?!

August was full of good reads. I read Next Year in Havana with with @jennyw_reads and The House in the Cerulean Sea with #notyourmamasbookclub.

For my family, this month we traveled to Ohio to visit my family for a full week of fun. My son started another season of Cross Country along with his sophomore year of high school. We celebrated my husbandโ€˜s birthday with two new puppies, Kate and Riggs. As a whole it has been a month full of wonderful memories.

What was your favorite book for August? For me this was a tough choice, so Iโ€™m going with a tie between The House in the Cerulean Sea and Daisy Jones & The Six. Both these books really stayed with me after I had finished them.


  • The House in the Cerulean Sea

  • Daisy Jones & The Six

  • The Stationery Shop

  • The Paris Secret - pub 9/21


  • The Order

  • The London Restoration

  • Next Year in Havana

  • Mistress of the Ritz

The Dutch House - audio

Are you going to add any of these to your TBR list?

The Paris Secret

The Paris Secret

10 in My TBR

10 in My TBR