
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Attic on Queen Street

The Attic on Queen Street

How do I say good-bye to a series that I have loved and reread several times since the very first installment came out? How do I say good-bye to all the characters I have fallen in love with and watched grow stronger? It was so hard to pick up this last book in the Tradd Street series, but in a way it was like going back to the very beginning and falling in love with the full cast of characters all over again.

For those of you who haven’t picked up this series you really need to make it a priority! There is family drama, laughter, ghosts (both good and dangerous), and a close knit group of friends that pull together and are always there for each other. White also has a way with her beautiful descriptions that transport you right into historic Charleston and the beautiful homes (and the banes of nonstop restoration work). I’m not joking when I say that I was constantly stalking White’s page for announcements for upcoming books in this series.

I was sad to see this series end, but I am beyond happy with how White brought it all together with her cast of ghosts, bad guys (die Marc Longo!) and of course Melanie and her supportive family. From the very first page I was enveloped in the mystery and turning the pages as fast as I could all while trying to savor this final book.

At the very end White included notes to her readers and fans of this series. Needless to say I was tearing up as I read them. Thank you Karen White for the creation of this series and the beautiful cast of characters (real and ghosts) you created, The Attic on Queen street truly was a beautiful ending.

Now to patiently wait for the spin off with Nola and all the wonderful and mysterious adventures I know are awaiting her in New Orleans!

Thank you so much Uplit Reads and Berkley Publishing for the gifted copy of this book and having me on this amazing tour!

The Reckless Kind

The Reckless Kind

Don't Look For Me

Don't Look For Me