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The Librarian Spy

The Librarian Spy

The Librarian Spy is quite the unique take and setting for a WWII novel, Madeline Martin was inspired to write this book when she discovered the history of America’s library of spies in neutral Lisbon, and the French woman who were part of the Resistance and printed underground newspapers and fliers. It was so nice to read and learn new information about WWII.

However, the slow burn and repetitiveness of the story made it sluggish, and I just had to force myself to read it (took almost 2 months to finish). It did finally pick up a bit during the last 1/4 of the book. I will add that I loved the strong and independent female characters in this story.

I also have to point out that the title is misleading as neither lead characters are spies. I’m also left with some questions about the Portuguese Police, Nazis, and the overall cornucopia of nations in Lisbon during this time and how their actions impacted the war effort.

I am a huge fan of this author, so I’m still look forward to her next book.

Thank you HTP Books for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

For Butter or Worse

For Butter or Worse

Sugar and Salt

Sugar and Salt