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The Marriage Act

The Marriage Act

Wow! Just wow! The Marriage Act is one of those books that starts strong and stays that way right up till the end. The twists, turns, chapter cliffhangers and shocking moments kept me riveted as I binged this “Big Brother” themed story.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

The entire concept of the book is so incredibly intriguing. Could you imagine the opting in and allowing the government to listen in to your marriage any time they chose? Maybe they already do, and that’s what made the storyline eerily realistic and plausible to the point that I was thankful for not having any smart home items (i.e. Alexa) in our house…and maybe I was eyeing my FitBit and even questioning wearing it as a read this unsettling story.

How did you handle the many POV?

Please note that there are a large number of characters. After reading The One, I was already used to Marrs’s style of writing with several POV, so I knew that after I cycled through each of their chapters (chapters are super short) about three times, I would be able to keep them straight.

I also love how Marrs creates a variety of characters. Not everyone is a good guy or morally superior. Their stories are just like our own neighbors, politicians, family, friends, and you might even see yourself and partner in this storyline, buuuuuttt with the addition of some darker vibes that had me thinking of this as a “moral of the story” social commentary.

How was the pace?

I could not put this fast paced story down once I started it, since I was completely invested in each character’s POV and learning how they would all come together in the end.

Do you recommend this book?

This book has it all! I found myself gasping so many times I lost count, and loved all the twists and turns. This is a must read if you like “what the heck!?!” moments and cliff hangers at every turn. Truly fantastic and I’ve never read anything like it! Now to try to patiently wait to see what Marrs comes up with next!

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Currently Reading

The Eden Test

The Eden Test