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The Soulmate

The Soulmate

Holy smokes! Sally Hepworth has done it again with The Soulmate! Talk about a twisted ride full of secrets that keeps you questioning everything and turning the pages as fast as you can!

What appealed to you the most in this book?

I absolutely love the way Sally Hepworth can write about family dynamics and dysfunctional relationships, especially when it comes to the relationships between spouses. This was a clever, deep and at times darker psychological thriller, but I was surprised to discover that there was so much more than just the main plot. Each character had their own story as they were dealing with their past and mental health issues. I was in awe with the way Hepworth was able to create multilayered characters and then weave their stories together with the main plot while keeping me on the edge of my seat the WHOLE TIME.

How was the pace?

I read this with Kaley and we both were flying through the pages as fast as we could. This really is a book you won’t want to set down, and I think Kaley said it best when she messaged me saying that each chapter is its own mini cliffhanger.

Do you recommend this book?

I highly recommend this captivating and masterfully written story. You won’t want to put it down, so don’t make any plans once you pick this book up!

Thank you, St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

April Maybe

April Maybe

March Wrap Up

March Wrap Up