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The Senator’s Wife

The Senator’s Wife

Woo wee! Man did this author duo bring it again with their latest chilling psychological thriller, The Senator’s Wife!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

One of the things I love about this author duo is the way they can write characters that are so real and yet so different from other psychological thrillers on the market. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy all the different characters in the various thrillers out there, but I rarely feel like I connect with multiple characters when reading a psychological thriller. Yet, with this story I was immediately drawn into their lives and had different emotional connections as I lived the story through each of their points of view.

How was the pace?

I was hooked from the first chapter and didn’t want to put this book down. The majority of the book keeps a steady pace with plenty of fast paced sections.

Was this more thriller or mystery?

This is a thriller with an excellent mystery. The beginning of the book sets the scene and from there the questions began to multiply. Believe me when I say that this book just gets more and more complex, the tension builds, the suspense grows, and the plot takes twists and turns that propel you to the very end.

Do you recommend this book?

Definitely a book you don’t want to miss and is perfect for summer!

P.S. I read this with Kaley and it is the first time we every had differing opinions, so check out her review too!

Thank you, Random House, for this gifted copy.

Feature Friday

Feature Friday

The Poisoner’s Ring

The Poisoner’s Ring