
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Month of Borrowed Dreams

The Month of Borrowed Dreams

Ok…So I need you to hang with me here a second before I get to my review. I want you to have some background info on how the series is laid out.

In the USA and Canada we have gone back to book 4 after book 5's release last year. Book 6 is coming out in July of 2022 and book 7 at some point after that (both 6 and 7 have already released in the UK). Confusing? I hope not.

What appeals to you the most in this series/book?

The characters and setting! Each character is so endearing, and the Irish setting is so atmospheric! This is also a character driven book/series.

Can any of the books in the series be read as a stand-alone?

Yes! Each of these books can be read independently from the series. BUT, I really do think you would love starting at the beginning of the series with The Library at the Edge of the World. As the series progresses the characters progress (more are added on), and I think you would enjoy knowing all their intimate connections and what they have been through.

How was the pace?

This book has a steady pave that kept me engaged.

Do you recommend this book?

I enjoyed returning to the Finfarran Peninsula and escaping into an Irish setting. If you are looking for a nice series to get caught up in grab book one or this book today!

Cloud Cuckoo Land

Cloud Cuckoo Land

The Weekend

The Weekend