
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Rebel Nun

The Rebel Nun


Happy Sunday everyone! I’m officially back home in North Dakota after spending time in Florida helping my dad out. Right now I’m questioning my sanity, since it’s in the 70s back in Florida and currently -42° with the windchill here. How in the world did people survive here in the 1800s!?!

On the bright side, I came home to some wonderful book mail. I can’t thank @blackstonepublishing enough for this gifted book! The Rebel Nun (pub 3/2) is based on a true story of nuns who lead an armed rebellion against the church and a society dominated by men. I’m really excited to jump into this book and learn about this heroic woman who stood up for herself and others. This looks like it will prove to be a startling and gripping tale!

💬Are you watching the Super Bowl tonight, or are you like me and watching it for the commercials and halftime show?

Marj Charlier's The Rebel Nun is based on the true story of Clotild, the daughter of a sixth-century king and his concubine, who leads a rebellion of nuns against the rising misogyny and patriarchy of the medieval church.

At that time, women are afforded few choices in life: prostitution, motherhood, or the cloister. Only the latter offers them any kind of independence. By the end of the sixth century, even this is eroding as the church begins to eject women from the clergy and declares them too unclean to touch sacramental objects or even their priest-husbands.

Craving the legitimacy thwarted by her bastard status, Clotild seeks to become the next abbess of the female Monastery of the Holy Cross, the most famous of the women's cloisters of the early Middle Ages. When the bishop of Poitiers blocks her appointment and seeks to control the nunnery himself, Clotild masterminds an escape, leading a group of uncloistered nuns on a dangerous pilgrimage to beg her royal relatives to intercede on their behalf. But the bishop refuses to back down, and a bloody battle ensues. Will Clotild and her sisters succeed with their quest, or will they face excommunication, possibly even death?



Weekend Reading

Weekend Reading