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The Summer We Buried

The Summer We Buried

The Summer We Buried is an intriguing story that weaves together suspense and head games to create quite the twisted story.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I know this is going to sound weird, but the toxic relationship between Tansy and Selene held me captive as I read. It created suspense and some surprises as I read.

Was this a mystery or thriller?

This was definitely a mystery that kept me guessing about Tansy’s dark past and her “big” secret that Selene was threatening her with. This did create suspense and kept me on the edge of my seat at times.

In the thriller department, this was more of a psychological thriller as the book touches upon some aspects of the human mind that makes us pause to think about people's actions and the reasons behind them.

How was the audio version?

I alternated between listening to this book and reading it. Emily Ellet did a wonderful job breathing life into each character and giving them distinct voices. I found myself absorbed in her narration and right there in the story during my commutes to work.

Listening speed - 1.2

How was the pace?

This is a slow burn buildup that kept me invested and wondering how everything would come together and playout in the end.

Do you recommend this book?

Overall, this book really does have it all - suspense, mystery, romance, and some excellent twists. It won’t disappoint!

Thank you, Crooked Lane Books, for this gifted copy and audio version in exchange for my honest review.

Book Mail

Book Mail

Woman on Fire

Woman on Fire