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The Wedding Crasher

The Wedding Crasher

Mia Sosa’s The Wedding Crasher is a fun and delectable story that romcom lovers everywhere will adore!

Synopsis: Just weeks away from ditching DC for greener pastures, Solange Pereira is roped into helping her wedding planner cousin on a random couple’s big day. It’s an easy gig... until she stumbles upon a situation that convinces her the pair isn’t meant to be. What’s a true-blue romantic to do? Crash the wedding, of course. And ensure the unsuspecting groom doesn’t make the biggest mistake of his life.

Dean Chapman had his future all mapped out. He was about to check off “start a family” and on track to “make partner” when his modern-day marriage of convenience went up in smoke. Then he learns he might not land an assignment that could be his ticket to a promotion unless he has a significant other and, in a moment of panic, Dean claims to be in love with the woman who crashed his wedding. Oops.

Now Dean has a whole new item on his to-do list: beg Solange to be his pretend girlfriend. Solange feels a tiny bit bad about ruining Dean’s wedding, so she agrees to play along. Yet as they fake-date their way around town, what started as a performance for Dean’s colleagues turns into a connection that neither he nor Solange can deny. Their entire romance is a sham... there’s no way these polar opposites could fall in love for real, right?

What appealed to you the most in this story?

It is rare when I say this, but EVERYTHING! The humor, the aunties, the Brazilian culture, the diversity, the steam that had me fanning myself, the angst, and of course those heart melting scenes.

BUT…The humor in this book really was the best. I read a large chunk of this book at the auto repair shop while having my tires replaced. I had the hardest time holding in my snort like laughter as I read one hysterical scene after another. At one point I just couldn’t hold it in and just bust a gut laughing…like starting to tear up kind of laughter. You have to read this book just for the laugh out loud parts alone!

How was the romance?

This romcom had all the romance I look for along with tons of steam and my favorite troupe - fake dating. It was so fun to watch two polar opposites come together and fall for each as their sizzling steam reaches combustible levels. Overall, there is nothing better than reading a story with two main characters you absolutely root for in every way possible. Whether they’re together or apart.

Steam level: Door Wide Open…Like blown off the hinges open!

How was the pace?

Fast! I couldn’t put this book down and was racing through the pages.

Do you recommend this book?

Romance lovers and anyone who wants to escape into a fun and humorous story absolutely have to grab this book! Mia Sosa has quickly become one of my favorite romcom authors and I can’t wait to read what she writes next (please let the tias be in the next book too).

Thank you, Avon books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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