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The Wind Knows My Name

The Wind Knows My Name

The Wind Knows My Name is a moving story that takes on the world of immigration and how it impacts children in both the past and present while told from multiple characters POV.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I really appreciated how Allende was able to shift the story from one character to another with fluidity. She gives you enough time with each character as their story unfolds, and when you leave a chapter to move on to another character, I found myself not ready to let go of their timeline. However, knowing that I will come back to that character, and finding myself curious as to how the timelines and characters will all converge made for a meaningful story.

What didn’t work for you in this story?

This story began full of emotions; however, I never really felt the emotional impact. I think that’s because the character’s lives were being told quickly and events began to feel glossed over. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the fast pace and condensed storylines for each character did not work as well for this story and a slower pace would have drawn me in more. Regardless, this did not stop me from enjoying the story as a whole.

How was the pace?

Fast paced

Do you recommend this book?

Overall, this is a tale rooted in tragedy but also tells a story of of love, grief, and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of a world undergoing major social and political upheaval. Allende's rich atmosphere draws readers into these characters’ tumultuous lives but still tells a story full of hope and inspiration.

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