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Under the Influence

Under the Influence

Bring on the life of a popular #GirlBoss influencer, and the team that keeps her front and center, the behind-the-scenes breakdowns, and you have a story that is my kinda chick lit! I completely blew through Under the Influence and couldn’t get enough of the scintillating story!

What appealed to you the most?

I loved how this story really was steeped in the reality of the influencer world as the lead character, Harper, found herself thrust into the life of social media and its power, influence, pressures to always be active and of course, it’s even darker sides that show up in people who only want popularity and money.

I also loved how this book was so much more than social media drama. There were also strong friendship ties, devoted family, and a bit of romance.

How was the pace?

I could not tear myself away from this fast-paced story.

Do you recommend this book?

It’s hard to believe that this is a debut book with such thoroughly developed characters that were completely believable, so much so that I found myself completely swept up in their lives and drama. Plus, I also liked how the core of this story had a reality check built into it for all of us and the dangers of social media. Definitely a juicy summer read!

NOW…Rumor has it that this book is based on Crooks time working for a certain popular influencer…Is it true???

Thank you, Gallery Books, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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