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Then She Vanishes

Then She Vanishes

Everything changed the night she disappeared.

On a summer's night in 1994, sixteen-year-old Flora Powell vanished from her sleepy seaside town without a trace. Their hearts shattered, Flora’s mother, her sister Heather, and Heather’s best friend Jess had to somehow carry on not knowing what happened.

Twenty-five years later, tragedy strikes again when Heather walks into a stranger's house and allegedly kills two people in cold blood.

Why would this loving wife and doting new mother commit such a heinous crime? Jess, now a reporter, returns to the hometown she left behind to cover the case and dig for answers. But this isn’t like any other story. Jess was like a sister to the Powell girls, until the summer that tore them all apart.

What happened to the girl she used to know? 

The question haunts Jess and propels her to find the key that may unlock the mysteries involving both sisters. But the search may reveal more . . . a darker side to this idyllic place she thought she knew.

This book is categorized as a thriller…Is it?

I wasn’t thrilled, surprised, or held in suspense at any point in this story. To me this book was just a basic mystery.

What did you think of the multiple POV?

I actually really enjoyed the multiple pov in the story. It was the one thing that kept my interest, especially since we got the pov of the killer!

How was the pace?

This book started off strong and fast, but fizzled out and turned into a slow burn quickly.

Do you recommend this book?

This was an okay read that really did have a great premise, so if you are looking for a solvable mystery with a neat and tidy ending, then you may like this one.

I’m so glad I got to read this book with Kaley. It made the story so much more entertaining.

The Last Debutantes

The Last Debutantes

Book Mail

Book Mail