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ALL THE STARS!! I could not get enough of the audio version of this captivating, propulsive, edge of your seat thriller!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I really cannot say too much about the story itself without creating spoilers, BUT I can tell you that Newman brought the one thing I look for in all my thrillers: that kind of jaw clenching suspense that gets your heart pounding…or in my case white knuckle gripping the steering wheel while listening in the car and then tacking on 3 more miles to my walk just because I had to know what was going to happen next! The tension in this action packed story was nonstop, and I was so engaged that I found myself talking back to the characters.

I also loved how even during all the fear and tension in this survival story there was a story about courage, friendship, teamwork, love, and sacrifice.

How was the audio narration?

Anytime Steven Weber narrates a thriller and/or mystery, I know it is going to be riveting. He has a way of bringing characters to life with their own personal accents, inflections, and you can really feel the individuality in each character as he tells the story. Not to mention that he has a true gift for ramping up the suspense and tension in any thriller to the point where you are holding your breath and feeling like you are almost able to play a role in the story yourself.

Laura Benanti also did a fantastic job narrating the mother, Chris, in the story. Being a mother myself, my worst fear is having my child stuck in a situation where death is highly likely, and Benanti captured this mother’s fear, frustration, and heartache perfectly.

Listening speed: 1.3x

How was the pace?

Fast! Warp speed! Did I mention I could not stop listening to this book!?!

Do you recommend this book?

Drowning is THE must read/listen thriller of the summer, and I recommend you grab a copy pronto!!

Thank you, Libro.fm and Simon & Schuster, for this gifted audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

Ander & Santi Were Here

Ander & Santi Were Here

May Wrap Up

May Wrap Up