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After Annie

After Annie

After Annie is a short but extremely impactful story that takes on grief, death, and realizing you still have a future ahead of you, as you try to mend and heal from it all.

What appeal to you the most in this story?

This is one of those stories that just gets you thinking about your own life and relationship to what the characters are going through and how you would handle yourself in the exact same situation.

I also love how extremely realistic everything in this story was from the characters and their emotions, along with their struggles in every day life, and even just the small little things that happen.

How was the pace?

You would think this would be a heavy story that would bog you down as you read, but it really isn’t. Not once did I feel like I needed to take a break, or even the heaviness of it all. This made the character driven story quite fast-paced.

Do you recommend this book?

For me, Quindlen’s books are always so meaningful, and I love how they take a true look at life in all its little facets.

thank you Random House for this gifted book and exchange for my honest opinions.

The Berlin Letters

The Berlin Letters

Say You’ll Be Mine

Say You’ll Be Mine