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Annie Bot

Annie Bot

Woowza! Just fantastic! This book absolutely blew me away, and I cannot believe it is a debut. It is a wildly brilliant and poignant story that everyone just has to read!

This is one of those stories I want to go into so much detail about, but I can’t because of all the spoilers, so I’m gonna keep this review short to avoid that.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

This is one of those eye-opening stories that has you drawing so many parallels between real life relationships and the one between Annie and her owner in this story.

I also fell in love with Annie’s character from the first chapter, and was cheering for her and loving following her development as the story progressed.

How was the pace?

Between the audio and physical copy, I binged this book less than a day. The story is just so engrossing and one I could not put down.

Read if you like:

  • AI

  • What makes us human?

  • Relationships

  • Fast pace

  • Where power lies in relationships

Do you recommend this book?

The premise for this story is beyond fascinating and I was completely captivated. So, get ready to see a lot of hype for this book and I can tell you it’s going to be spot on!

I also highly recommend this book for buddy reads and book clubs because you are going to want to discuss it while reading, and a whole bunch more at the end.

Thank you Mariner Books for this gifted book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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