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Brides of Rome

Brides of Rome


Fun little unknown fact…I graduated with a degree that I didn’t even plan on or know about until right before graduation. I was an English Literature major who took a lot of courses in the classics along with Greek and Latin to cover all my requirements in various literature and language categories (and archeology to really round things out). A few weeks before graduation I had to sit down with a counselor to sign off on how my name would appear on my diploma along with other things. As I was looking through the paperwork I noted the dual degree and commented that there must be an error. Turns out there wasn’t, and I wound up with two degrees. Long story short…I love reading books based during Greek and Roman times and I’m a huge fan of the Vestal Virgins!

Get ready to begin a new action packed, intense series in the Brides of Rome!

It is a world of power and privilege, secrets and sacred duty. It is the world of ancient Rome. And it is the esteemed Vestal Virgins-priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the home and hearth-who protect the Eternal Flame that protects the Eternal City.

Dedicated to a thirty-year vow of chaste service, Priestess Pomponia finds herself swept up in the intrigue, violence, wars, and bedroom politics of Rome's elite-Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Octavian and his maneuvering wife, Livia-all the while guarding the secret affection she has in her heart.

But when a charge of incestum-a broken vow of chastity-is made against the Vestal order, the ultimate punishment looms: death by being buried alive in the "Evil Field."

Brides of Rome did an excellent job of whisking me back to ancient Rome and all the drama of the time period. From the death of Julius Cesar to the rise of Octavian, I loved following the world of the powerful and privileged among Rome’s elite and how the Vestal order navigated within their world.

Each and every character leapt off the page, and their vivid personalities were based on historical record. This is the story of strong and fierce women. Pomponia was definitely an intelligent, strong woman, not afraid to stand up for herself and what she believes in. Her compassion for others showed her soft and caring side. This is also the case for the other Vestal Priestesses and women portrayed in this new series.

Debra May MacLeod really brought Pomponia’s world alive. She told an epic story but never lost sight of the everyday details of ancient Rome, and this is what moved me the most. Never once was I bored…If anything the story held me captive. I felt like I could see and feel the energy of Rome, the statues, building’s, temples, Cesar and Octavian’s counsel with the Vestal Priestesses, even the ill-fated love affair and marriage of Marc Anthony and the Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt. MacLeod also describes the events of everyday life for Romans and the slaves in a way that makes you realize what fear many of these individuals lived with…especially women.

My only complaint about this book is that I have to wait for the next book in the series! I cannot wait to see where the series takes me next, as there is so much more of the story to be told. They say patience is a virtue!

November Wrap-Up

November Wrap-Up

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue