
Welcome to my blog. I document my latest reads, adventures in travel, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cover Reveal & My Weekend

Cover Reveal & My Weekend

Check out this gorgeous cover for Battle of the Bookstores!


  • Enemies to lovers (obviously!)

  • Opposites attract

  • Online epistolary (you've got mail vibes!)

  • Only One Bed

  • Forced Proximity

  • He Falls First (and hard)

What to expect:

  • Dual POV male female

  • Slow burn

  • Open-door

  • Casually diverse cast of side characters including disability and

  • LGBTQ+ rep

  • Bookstore setting (with bookstore cats!)

  • Very Tall male main character (6'8"!!)

  • Jewish rep

  • Online banter

  • Boston setting

  • Dyslexia rep

The Weekend

I had such a wonderful and peaceful weekend.

I kicked it off Friday night with Gifted. This heartwarming and amazing movie left me in tears and I highly recommend it!

I also loaded up Kate and Riggs so they could swim and run some trails.

The leaves have started to change colors due to our cold nights.

I also participated in a Readathon over the weekend, and got a serious chunk read! From these books I highly recommend The Heartless Hunter.

Book Mail

Book Mail

Prime Time Romance

Prime Time Romance