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Gone Tonight

Gone Tonight

Gone Tonight is a riveting story full of secrets, tension, and nail-biting suspense that had me turning the pages wondering how everything was going to unfold.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I found myself fully immersed in this hide-and-seek style story about a mother doing everything in her power to protect her daughter. The dynamics between both Ruth (mother) and Catherine (daughter) took center stage as I watched their relationship morph while in the background danger was always looming.

I also liked how I began questioning what I would do if I was in either character's position and how much we really inherit in our DNA from our own parents.

How was the pace?

Fast!! This is a book you can easily binge as the slow burn mystery unfolds.

Do you recommend this book?

This story was highly addictive from the very beginning, and I could not put it down! Definitely a story thriller lovers are gonna want to dive into, so make sure you set some time aside, because you aren’t going to get anything done once you start this.

Thank you, St. Marthin’s Press, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinions.



Friday Feature

Friday Feature