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Last Seen Alive

Last Seen Alive

Last Seen Alive is the final book in the Ellery Hathaway mystery series and one I have been highly anticipating. The minute it arrived on my doorstep I dove into the story and read it in a day, and boy did this series end with a bang!

Synopsis: Boston detective Ellery Hathaway met FBI agent Reed Markham when he pried open a serial killer’s closet to rescue her. Years on, their relationship remains defined by that moment and by Francis Coben’s horrific crimes. To free herself from Coben’s legacy, Ellery had to walk away from Reed, too. But Coben is not letting go so easily. He has an impossible proposition: Coben will finally give up the location of the remaining bodies, on one condition—Reed must bring him Ellery.

Now the families of the missing victims are crying out for justice that only Ellery can deliver. The media hungers for a sequel and Coben is their camera-ready star. He claims he is sorry and wants to make amends. But Ellery is the one living person who has seen the monster behind the mask, and she doesn’t believe he can be redeemed. Not after everything he’s done. Not after what she’s been through. And certainly not after a fresh body turns up with Coben’s signature all over it.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I loved how Schaffhausen brought us back to the beginning of the series where everything began and then took the story on the best rollercoaster ride ever! I’m not saying anything else, because I don’t want to spoil the story.

Is this a mystery or thriller?

Both! This is an action-packed story with an excellent mystery that takes us back to where Ellery’s story began. It has all the nail-biting-heart pounding suspense of a thriller, and an excellent mystery full of twists involving a serial killer who is on the loose!

Do you have to read the previous books in this series, or can this be read as a standalone?

I am a HUGE fan of this series, and I always recommend reading each book. However, this final book works perfectly as a standalone. You will have all the information you need and not feel like you are missing anything that happened in previous installments.

How was the pace?

This was a fast-paced story that kept me on the edge of my seat, and I couldn’t put it down. By the climax of the story, I was holding my breath, biting my nails, and my Fitbit started thinking I was doing a workout due to my heartrate!

Do you recommend this book?

YES!! If you love a good mystery full of twists and turns that will have you racing to the end, then this one is for you (by that I mean - this is a must read for everyone)!

Thank you St. Martin’s Press ~ Minotaur Books for this gifted copy

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Pub Day

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