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Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake

Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake

Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake gets ALL THE STARS!! This is the must read romcom of the year and I’m going to be raving about it straight into next year!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

This book has everything I wanted and look for:

  • Smart, strong, funny and witty female lead

  • Lead character stays true to herself while still growing as an individual

  • Laugh out loud moments (tons…the pee your pants kind)

  • Funny, supportive, smart and real sidekick/friends

  • An actual plot with the storyline that kept moving along at a fast pace

  • Suspense

  • Believable romance situations

  • Some amazingly steamy open door sex scenes (mama likes her steam) …multiple sex scenes too (don’t judge me)

  • A real conflict situation that threatens the relationship that is believable

  • And not once did I roll my eyes at any scene!

How was the romance?

This was a sweet book with excellent humor, warmth, and lots of charming and witty banter. I was completely drawn into this book from the beginning and found myself heavily invested in the romance. I sympathized with the situations both Lizzie and Rake found themselves in. Lizzie was unconventional, messy, and calls it as she sees it. I loved the additional layers of Lizzie with ADHD. This made it feel more real and raw, and Eddings wrote her character in a way that made me really and truly understand what living with ADHD is like.

Steam level: Open door w/the hinges blown off…maybe took some of the walls with it too!

How was the pace?

I flew through this fast-paced unconventional love story in a day, so I advise you to set aside some time because you won’t want to set this book down!

Do you recommend this book?

YES!! You have to read this book, get completely hooked and fall in love with all the characters like I did!

Thank you, SMP Romance and St Martin’s Press for this gifted book in exchange for my honest review.

Spectacular Pub Day

Spectacular Pub Day

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